The book series has been unpublished while I create NEW, revised editions.

What will you gain from this Kindle book?

Book cover image for: Stress, Anxiety and the Battle for Your Sanity
  • Understand the plight of people who are the casualties of long-term stress
  • Why can’t people who are anxious be positive?
  • Why is it so hard to overcome anxiety?
  • Why does mindfulness succeed in STOPPING the internal fight?

These are just some of the questions answered by this book.

100% of the royalties go to charitable college

QC Ellis is donating 100% of all royalties (that’s the bit of profit the author gets as their pay) to a local charitable Social Enterprise in the North East of England. Meditation Teacher College is young, independent (no funding) charitable company with a global reach via its website (and mobile app launched in 2022).

Mindfulness: Stop The Struggle

The book series has been unpublished while I create NEW, revised editions.

The book is a part of a series of SHORT books designed to take you through the journey from stressed and depressed to happy and free from anxiety. The series was one big book but the feedback from people who have anxiety was that it’s too comprehensive (read, overwhelming) to get it all in one book. The series covers:

  • Stress and anxiety and a different way of looking at the problem.
  • Why most remedies don’t work – including, problem solving or being positive.
  • What is Mindfulness and how to develop a Mindfulness Practice.
  • What is Mindfulness Meditation and how to develop a practice.
  • What are the Mindfulness Attitudes For Change and how to integrate this secret sauce into your Mindfulness Practice.

This, first book in the series, focuses on the first two of the above, plus why mindfulness can help. It is meant to not only be informative but also motivational – there IS a way out!

image of 5 book covers for the BOOK Series, Mindfulness: Stop the Struggle

Why Is This Different?

There are plenty of books that tell you the same old story about stress, anxiety and also mindfulness. Colin has read some of them but his approach is different because he comes from the perspective of someone who has actually experienced the things he talks about. Right from the start, you are presented with original ideas. Again, when he discusses mindfulness and meditation, he comes at it from his own experience. For decades, he studied under Buddhist Monks (and Nuns) from various traditions, as well as MBSR & MBCT**.

His insights have led him to develop new ways of approaching stress and using mindfulness.

The breadth and depth of knowledge provided means you get to understand more deeply what the problem is and exactly how to tackle it. You gain the depth of insight of an expert very quickly while finding the answers to your questions when your mindfulness practice doesn’t seem to be working in the way most books say it should.


  • The 8 Week Mindfulness Challenge is available once you have read the series (or the full-version book).
    ** MBSR = Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. MBCT = Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy

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