Re-Create Your SELF – Live Your Vision

Was hugely successful, with 5 STAR reviews from all participants

Saturday 8th Sept. 2018

Find out when the next LIVE workshop is on.

See the full

Re-Create Your SELF

suite of workshops (so far)


What is this workshop about?

Live Your Vision (NOT AVAILABLE TILL 2019)

The image you have of your future determines how you feel about today

Energize To Re-Create Your Life - Now

Align With Your Truths So There Is No Holding Back

Magnetise Your Ideal Future

Relax & Open To New Possibilities

Discover The Mirror Of Your Soul

Fuel Your Soul With Creative, Nourishing Fun


How will we do this together?


When you are enthralled by your ideal future you will be naturally magnetized to it. Whereas, if you allow distractions to impinge on your sense of future, goodness knows where you will end up! So the important thing is to have a vision aligned with your deepest SELF.

The workshop has 4 parts:

  1. Being clear about your ideal future brings meaning and happiness today. Yet this goes deeper than life-coaching because your astrological blueprint will reveal how to align your goals with your potential and sense of destiny.

  2. You will also feel energized with guided meditations. These will loosen your mental boundaries and dissolve obstructions to see greater possibilities. Please bring a lunch to lunch with other luncheoners (vegetarian or vegan) to share together

  3. After lunch you will face unspoken concepts which have held you back; once realized, a path is cleared to live your ideal future – today. “What had seemed like a huge step of immodesty becomes the natural, confident next step.”

  4. Ending with great fun and creativity, making your dream real with something beautiful to take home. This will be a directed play-time – especially for those who feel they are not creative.

You will receive expert untangling from Colin, who will calm & energise you then help you clarify your direction. Plus, you will receive captivating Astronomical Astrology guidance and creative fun with Rikki. This workshop is an opportunity to envision a positive, nurturing and motivating future.

Just 1 or 2 sections is easily worth the fee for the whole workshop

Powerful techniques for insight and inquiry!

"Live Your Vision"

I thoroughly recommend this to anybody, except perhaps the more closed minded among us.

"Live Your Vision"

What would I say to someone considering this workshop?



"Live Your Vision"

It helped bring together disparate and vague thoughts into a clear focus. Something very tangible to work with.

"Live Your Vision"

Who Are The presenters?

High Quality & Professional Teachers

Over the decades Colin has developed and taught in colleges, charities and privately on subjects such as esteem & confidence building, assertiveness, stress management, goal setting, overcoming anxiety using mindfulness, and many more topics.

He is known as a pioneer – pushing the boundaries of personal and spiritual development – discovering through his experience new, original insights to share.

See more about Colin, here at

Colin Ellis

Transformation Coach | Meditation Teacher | Author, Company: Meditation Teacher College

Contact Colin:


Both the presenters for this workshop have been mastering their craft over decades and taught many, many workshops/courses.
Rikki is one of those few people who has mastered, and is inspired by, her work to such a degree she now wants to herald in a new Astrology – Astronomical Astrology. Powered by her integrity, she has shown how the two main Astrological traditions can be brought together to give deeper, more accurate insights about one’s earthly blueprint and the challenges/learning we are here to explore. As an artist (with a 1st Class Honours Art Degree), she brings beauty and play into her work and teaching.

See more about Rikki at

Rikki Blythe

Astronomical Astrologer | Artist | Author, Business: Fishtail Arts and Astrology

Contact Rikki

  • 079 55 66 1249


more workshops to come – soon

What Else Is In This Series?

There shall be 12+ amazing events in this suite of workshops.
Each self-contained but also building on each other.

“The most successful people are living their Astrological Blueprint”

Due to the individual attention given on these workshops, space is limited to 8 max

The Venue

The Vault Well-being Centre
36 Station Road
NE28 6RL


Click the map to go to Google maps. The RED marker shows where The Vault is

Purchase Your Ticket

Space is limited so book on the workshop now to ensure your place.

Just £45 to live fully NOW because you will create a vision of YOUR future which is magnetic and completely aligned with your deepest SELF.

All One planet logoAdd your email then click the button to be taken to Paypal (of All One Planet – Colin’s business), where you can pay by credit or debit card.

Those who join before September will get a Transform Your Life – Empowerment Session (worth £90) FREE so BOOK NOW!
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